Saturday, 19 December 2015

On The Eleventh Day Of Christmas, Etsy Gave To Me...

   Lots of miniature goodies! If you've seen my Etsy shop, you'll know I love miniatures, so when I was putting together the eleventh (and a bit late) Etsy Christmas feature, I decided to focus on miniatures! And I love all of these finds! I wouldn't feature them if I didn't like them, of course, but every single one of these tickles my fancy in equal measures, and I want them all!
   And, speaking of miniatures, today is the last date for UK Christmas orders - any orders placed Sunday 20th onwards are unlikely to be processed or shipped in time for Christmas. However, all of the items listed in my shop right now are ready to ship so they're not subject to the processing delays I've been unfortunately experiencing these past few weeks, so they'll be shipped out on my last post run of the year, Monday 21st.


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