Tuesday, 22 December 2015

25 Photos Until Christmas - Day 22

   I got most of my Christmas wrapping done today - it took 5 hours but it was good fun. Aside from paper cuts, I can't fathom why people dislike wrapping presents! I put on Gold and watched My Family and One Foot In The Grave, and I finally treated myself to a little box of chocolates while doing it all. I wrapped my mum's presents in another room then moved into the living room with her to keep her company while I did the rest, and she sat there nodding off in her wheelchair or laughing at the TV. I had good fun and she seems more tired than usual this evening - a sign that she enjoyed herself too - and it was all round a good afternoon. I've got gifts for my nephews still to wrap which I'll do after dinner, then I'm finished! Unless the last few things I'm waiting for in the post come in, which is unlikely given that they were shipped from the US on November 27th and have been held up in one place for about 10 days before moving on. They're in the UK now, but unless Royal Mail get a move on, they're not likely to arrive in time. It's a shame because one is also for Seeg's birthday, on December 28th, and there's no post between Christmas and his birthday. If it doesn't turn up by Thursday evening, it's going to be late. But that's Christmas post for you! I'm not silly enough to just buy him one gift, anyway. He won't be going without!


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