Thursday, 3 December 2015

Christmas Sock Exchange 2015

   So as many of you know, I hosted a Christmas Sock Exchange this year! The idea was similar to a Secret Santa, except it consisted of a pair of festive socks filled with little things to make a miniature stocking, and you sent it off to your assigned recipient. It was great fun, and I was so surprised by the turn out of over 40 participants! I'm definitely hosting one again next year, and sign-ups will take place in October again. Follow my twitter or Facebook page to be notified!
   I'm getting loads of messages from participants saying that their packages are arriving and they're all so pleased, so that's excellent! I myself received my package from the lovely Amanda just yesterday! It was so exciting to receive and to open, and I admit it did feel a little bit like Christmas morning. Call me silly, I don't care! Half of the point of this event was to give, and the other half was an early sense of Christmas!

   Amanda sent me some wonderful fluffy socks, some recycled paper chains and pencils from her Etsy shop, some lovely festive sweets, some peppermint tea (I don't mind saying I cracked it open right away), and, to top it off, some Super Mario gummies. Both Seeg and I were really excited about these, and I said he could have some but he pinched all the Yoshi gummies! The thief!

   So, I'm happy, many others are happy, and the sock exchange is on for next year! Thank you to everyone who participated, and those of you who are still waiting, there's still plenty of time for them to arrive - a lot of participants are scattered across the world so there were a good number sending overseas. If you've not received your package by December 15th, get in touch with me and I'll send a quick note to your partner.


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