Tuesday, 1 December 2015

25 Photos Until Christmas - Day 1

   Yup, that's right! It's the 1st of December, and along with 25 days until Christmas, my '25 Photos Until Christmas' event has started to! And I really want you to participate! It's so easy! Just take a seasonal/festive picture every day and post it on twitter, instagram, your blog, whatever, tweet @KimWedlock #25ChristmasPhotos or post a link in the comment of each day's photo post, and every week - if there's enough interest, of course - I'll choose my favourite picture to win a little prize! That will be 4 winners by Christmas!
   The pictures don't have to be incredibly beautiful or artistic, you don't need to be a professional or even a hobbyist photographer - you could just use your phone! The purpose is to simply embrace and show the world what it is you love about this time of year every single day - or as close to every day as you can. Two or three times a week would be just fine, too! You don't even have to join us today - you could join in from the 6th or even the 15th and roll on until Christmas from then!

   Prizes will be open to all participants regardless of location, so both the event and competition is open world wide! You can also read more about the 25 Photos Until Christmas event on the official page, and there's a button you can add to the bottom of your post to spread the fun!

   Now, onto the fun itself!

   My first image for 25 Photos is this picture I took yesterday morning following a frost. We don't see snow in England really, at least not in the south west, so a white Christmas in Bristol is mostly a frosted one. And while that makes me sad on a number of levels, I've come to rather like the frost. I love how it ices the edges of plants and garden ornaments, and when the entire park behind my house freezes in a sheet of grey, I seriously love it, and it does say 'Christmas' to me - mostly because it's also saying 'bundle up' and 'hot chocolate', and as far as I'm concerned, the year goes spring, summer, autumn, Christmas, so anything winter automatically has a Christmas element to it!


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