Friday, 12 August 2011

New Layout

It took me all day, and it's hardly a drastic change, but I'm happy with what I've done with my blog. Unfortunately I have no CSS knowledge anymore - I used to know enough to get a standard journal skin on dA and edit it to different sizes, add boxes, change fonts/colours/backgrounds/opacity, but it's all escaped me now. So I'm just sticking with the blogger template designer ^^ But I'm still pleased with it. I do love brown.

Finally bought some supplies so I can work some more on some of my older, unfinished ideas, so I'm pleased about that! I just hope they work out. As always, you'll know if they do!

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Photography is Crucial

I already knew that photography was important when it comes to selling online, especially when you're competing to be seen on a site like Etsy, but having just tried to put together my first treasury list, the importance really becomes obvious.
Don't get me wrong, I found loads of gorgeous stuff on my vague and random searches. The only problem was that the pictures were more often than not either too dark, too busy, or too out of focus. For a treasury list, even a roll of ribbon or a ball of yarn from the "supplies" section can make it, as long as it has a professional photograph. It's now that I'm really pleased I went through a 4 year lond photography obsession where I took pictures damn near every day. I built up my skills until I was actually good enough to get a DD on dA, and I could actually look at my gallery and say "yeah, that ain't half bad". It's just a shame that over the last year or so I've grown away from it. But, fortunately, I know enough to take some good pictures of my jewellery. Not every single one is a winner, and half the time they need to be retaken, but I'm pleased to say I've made it into 4 treasury lists overall, and those lists were very attractive. Unfortunately they didn't get the exposure, but that doesn't matter!
I'm confident that I can do well with this :D I've got my fantastic boyfriend pushing me along and keeping me motivated, and I have my mum keeping me in all day with her MS (that sounded a little mean, but I truly meant it as a good thing) which gives me the time I need to make all of this happen. As they say, 'every cloud has a silver lining'!

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

New Links

I've just added a links section to the left hand side of this blog. There, you can access all of Peaches and Pebbles' webpages, including a newly made facebook fanpage, and twitter page!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

New items

Yepp, I've posted a new item, and I have re-photographed the sweet jars for the forth time. I think they're very unphotogenic :( I also rephotographed my Hobbit door too!

Now, the thing with these hobbit and fairy doors is that you'll never see them on my Etsy. These are made specifically to order. I have had no commissions for them so far, and I know that that is, in part, due to the fact that this is the only example I have. I have made many fairy doors in the past, however; I have made them specifically as ornaments and for use in a few photographs, but this is the only one I've made into a necklace. They measure approximately an inch across, and I can make them to either your own design or description, my own, or base it on a piece I've made in the past. They're quite original, and I'm very proud of all of the ones I've done. I thought I should mention this here because the only place they really exist are on dA. I'll notify you all of a link to my designs once I have photographed them, but for now, here are the guidelines for commissions, with the top section devoted to the doors.

Monday, 8 August 2011

It's Safe To Say...

That it didn't work ;P But no matter! Onto plan B! Marshmallow in a jar didn't work so I'll move onto something else. Either way, it's not important. It's just a little something extra for the fairs.

I've began work on something else that's popped into my head, and it's been successful so far. I'm surprised, because it was such a simple idea, and such a simple method, and it's worked really very well! I'll get them up on Etsy and dA a.s.a.p! I'm hoping I can take them to the fairs too! As long as I can find sufficient cotton wool wrapped in a particular way, I should be able to make plenty. As it is, I'm working with just one blue and 2 pink cotton wool balls D: It's all I could find!

I've also been approached with regards to several more giveaways since my first on Borderless, and I've come up with some rules to help filter out potential losses. Please read them before contacting me! But either way, don't let anything on there put you off. I know saying "I have rules!" makes me seem uptight, but I promise I don't bite :D If you like to plan ahead then that is also fine! I'm also a planner :D If you want me to sponsor a giveaway you're holding say, 3 months away from when you contact me, that's perfectly fine, and I'll think higher of you for it. That will also give me time to make something specially for it, perhaps, or to get my finances in order so that you may choose whichever piece you'd like! Planning ahead is a good thing :D

Thursday, 4 August 2011

New Ideas!

They're not jewellery related, though ;P
I enjoyed attending the school fair in June this year, selling wares specifically designed for children, but I'd been told about 2 fairs this christmas that I would like to attend, and it got me thinking. At the last fair, I did attempt to sell all of my Etsy items as well as nearly a hundred pieces I slaved over specifically for the fair itself (if you ever attend one of the fairs I'm selling at, you'll notice that about 90% of it is not available in my Etsy shop), but, of course, my Etsy items were priced out of the range of primary school children - which is fine, I'm not aiming anything here at 8 to 12 year olds. That was for an older but still playful audience. But it got me thinking: I love working in the kitchen. Baking, not cleaning. And I'd already decided that I was going to make a few pieces for the fair along the edible lines, but I just got a fantastic idea of what could go along with it! I just need to test it first. So I need jars.

One thing you followers will grow to learn about me is that I don't give anything away, so I apologise this time, and for all the times I have before, and all the times I will in the future, for speaking in some cryptic fashion. I'm paranoid ;P But if it works, you'll be sure to hear about it!

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

New Packaging

I'm quite excited. I just spent lots of money on buying new jewellery and packaging supplies. I don't know for sure how it's going to work out, it may not look as cute as it does in my head, but I can try, at least. I also bought some things to make some of my jewellery that little bit better, give it some extra oomph! So I'm excited about all of that ^^

The giveaway over at Borderless has come to a close, and the winner was announced as Mary Ann of Shutter Happy! This has also been announced on my dA page :D