Wednesday 9 December 2015

My Christmas Wishlist

   Christmas is dominated by decorations, food and music in my mind. Truly, presents are low on the list, and even then, giving them ranks higher than receiving them - and I'm proud to be able to admit that. But I won't lie, there are things I want, things I've had my eye on from weeks to months. But, if I'm to continue to be honest, putting this wishlist together was actually quite hard. It's when you put together something like this that you realise how little you truly want, the things that really stick in your mind.
   This is a wishlist for fun, though. I don't expect any of these things for Christmas, either because they're too expensive, impractical, or difficult to purchase since none of my friends or family are happy to buy from overseas. But, either way, if I want any of this enough, I can always treat myself to a piece or two after my birthday!
   So, for fun and personal shopping reference after my birthday, here is my wishlist!


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