Saturday, 12 December 2015

25 Photos Until Christmas - Day 11

   I didn't get the chance to post yesterday - lately I've been rushed off of my feet because of Christmas orders coming in and trying to fulfil them as quickly as possible, but yesterday the whole world escaped me because the Christmas decorations came out, so much so that I forgot to eat! I knew I loved Christmas but I had no idea it went that far :P I did grab a picture in the chaos, however, as simple a snap as it is! You all know that I love the tiny 2cm glass baubles from Paperchase, and it always gets me excited when I see them at home or in the shop. They're just so small and cute! I decorate small trees with them and string them up along the edges of shelves. They go everywhere - partly because I have 7 boxes. I'm not addicted or anything...


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