Sunday, 19 June 2016

New Jewellery Collection + Wildlife Watch Winners - 30 Days Wild - Sticky Sunday

   Today's 30 Days Wild Sticky Sunday post is a bit of a cheat. Rather than providing any crafting tutorials, I thought I'd show a few finished things: my new jewellery collection, which I've finally completed, and the three winning pieces from my competition with The Wildlife Trusts' Wildlife Watch magazine!
   My new jewellery collection, which I teased on Twitter recently, is based upon British coastal wildlife. I made my decision on the theme shortly after the second post in 2016's 30 Days Wild when I talked about holidays I'd had as a child, and that some of my fondest are of rock pools and 'rock climbing' in Wales. It's only a 7-piece collection, and, like my previous collections, it's limited to just 6 of every design which are as follows: Atlantic puffin, grey seal, gannet, shore crab, hermit crab, common starfish and beadlet anemone. I wanted to give the latter two a different look and after a lot of time - a lot of time - I managed to find 2cm glass balls to use instead of jars.
   The full collection is available in a single listing at a £29 discount as either necklaces or ornaments, and sold individually as necklaces for between £18 and £24 depending on design. I'll be listing the individual pieces over the next few days; the full bundle is already available, and the individual pieces will be listed two a day from Monday to Wednesday.

   As for my competition with Wildlife Watch, the activity was my idea. I entered a lot of competitions as a kid and never won any, and I got quite upset about it. I think it was because they were never challenging; it usually consisted of just answering a question, and because it was so easy so many would enter, and only one would win. I never stood a chance. I decided mine would be a little more interesting, so I suggested that the children should make something and there would be three winners of fox jar necklaces. Well, the idea went down a treat. Using a number of different materials, kids between 6 and 12 made animals, and there were over 70 entries. I was so thrilled! I picked out my three favourites from the shortlist of 15 to win, and this is them!

   The hedgehog was made by Emily Toon, aged 9, which I chose because I loved the use of natural resources, and frankly the daisy eyes are just the best things ever.
   The owl was made by Tillie Moore, aged 10, because it was quite unique against the other entries, and really quite clever. The use of a handle for the owl's nose was brilliant since the whole central line of an owl's face stands out a fair bit due to the concave shape of their faces.
   The fox was made by Freya Mein, aged 9, because I liked its simplicity, and the combination of a featureless 2D exterior, even with a black outline, despite it still being 3D.

   There were so many good ones and it was quite difficult to pick winners to be honest. I kept their age in mind while looking at them and I considered the skill, material used and ambition as well as the finished thing.
   I absolutely loved providing for this competition, and I'm really surprised by how many kids took part. I'm certain there was some pushing by parents, but in a time when ten year olds have smart phones (I don't even have a smartphone!), I didn't expect such a great response and it's made me really happy to see so many make an effort.


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