Sunday, 5 June 2016

How To Make Natural Rose Water - 30 Days Wild - Sticky Sunday

   My mum showed me how to make rose water when I was small. I'd make it in a jam jar and apply it to my wrists with a pastry brush. 'Cause I'm classy.
   My recent post about childhood holidays caused a myriad of memories to start cascading through my mind, and rather than let myself get overwhelmed and thoroughly depressed by them, I decided to embrace them instead. I took on 30 Days Wild because, last year, it gave me a great sense of peace. I wanted that same result this year, so I'm rolling with it all the best I can, and one way of doing that was to revisit some things we used to do together.
   So, using my memory of what my mum told me (and double-checking it against the interwebz), I made rose water.
   I used flowers from the garden, so they were free of pesticides and other nasties except a few bugs themselves, so I gave them a good rinse first, and after the short and simple process, I was 8 years old again.

   It makes a wonderful skin-friendly perfume because it's got no artificial ingredients in it, and similarly it isn't overpowering so nose-deaf people who have a tendancy to bathe in perfume can't possibly overdo this.

You'll need:
The petals of about 2-3 flowers
Heat-proof pan & lid
Distilled water

Clean your roses under cold water, then transfer them into a clean heat-proof pan and cover with distilled water. The more water you use the more diluted the end product - all you really need is enough to just cover the petals.

Set the pan over medium heat and cover with the lid.

Leave until the colour has left the petals, then pour through a sieve into a jar. The petals will be kind of gross, sort of like soggy burst balloons when you've finished.

   All rose petals are edible, as long as they've not been treated with pesticides, and so rose water can be used in cooking and baking. Though, in this case a slightly different method is best, which is to set a heat-proof bowl in the middle of the pan before heating the water. The water that condenses on the underside of the lid during the heating will be much purer rose water, and more potent, and it will drop into the bowl. You won't get much from this method, however, so keep that in mind.


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