Sunday, 4 November 2012

Christmas Purchasing Deadlines

   Well, it's November, and while I started my Christmas shopping in October, I'm sure many of you are only just beginning! So why not have a gander in my shops and see if you can find some wonderfully whimsical Christmas gifts! Perhaps a custom baby monster? A pair of nebula earirngs? A butterfly wing rig? An Envelope necklace?
   Whatever you find, below are the purchasing deadlines for both Peaches and Pebbles and Grumble Cave Monsters in order for them to reach you in time for Christmas - please note, though, that I am not the courier, and so if they happen to miss you before Christmas due to postal stupidity (it happens) or simply delays, it isn't my fault - or anyone else's if you encounter such a problem with other people. These deadlines are given by my country's leading courier, and the one I use.

UK deadlines for premade/jewellery: Monday 17th December
UK deadlines for custom monsters: Wednesday 12th December
INTERNATIONAL for premade/jewellery: Friday 30th November
INTERNATIONAL for custom monsters: Friday 23rd November

And, to get 15% off of both shops, use the code: Epiphany at checkout.

   You can still purchase after these dates, of course, my shop isn't closing, but if you want it in time for Christmas, then those are the dates. Any orders placed after those dates will not arrive in time for Christmas.

   From the 10th of December onwards, Next Day delivery will be available for buyers within the UK. Please either contact me before making a purchase and I will adjust shipping, or contact me immediately after purchasing/include it in the message to seller, and I will invoice you for the rest.



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