Saturday, 11 November 2017

Health-Conscious Christmas Gift Guide

   Healthy living is the 'in' thing right now, and, for once, that's a good thing. It's not a passing craze and neither is it a hobby. It's a lifestyle, and some are quite dedicated to it.
   So...what do you get these health-conscious people for Christmas? Veggies? No - unless you're the one making Christmas dinner. So I compiled this Christmas gift guide for the healthy living nuts on your Christmas gift list, from ingredients like baobab or raw honey, to practical pieces like measuring cups and experiences like a Voga class (that's Vogue and yoga - it's pure sass).
   There's bound to be something on here your health-obsessed friend will love this Christmas.

1 - Hive & Keeper organic honey gift set
2 - LifeBox subscription
3 - White marble weekly meal planner
4 - Fred M-Cups Russian doll measuring cups
5 - Voga experience for one
6 - Chocolate Christmas hamper (free from refined sugars)
7 - Aduna Baobab gift tin
8 - Wild Cycling pocket guide book
9 - Herbalicious herb-growing starter set

For health-conscious stocking fillers, try Holland & Barrett


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