Friday 2 December 2016

The Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide

    I've covered four personalities for gift guides this Christmas - fitness junkies, foodies, animal lovers and fantasy lovers. But these are all quite specific, and we all have friends and family who don't share in our passions, let alone these specific four. So I decided to put together a generic Christmas gift guide as well, but one which takes the typical Christmas gifts to another level - the shower stuff, the chocolates, the socks, the stationery - they're all things they'll actually want. So if you're looking for a show-stopping gift for your brother, your mum, your cousin's boyfriend or your partner's aunt, then have a look at the goodies I've gathered!

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13

   There are some gifts Christmas simply wouldn't be complete without - shower products, stationery, chocolates and socks, to name a few - and because not all of these kinds of gifts are very well-received, I've taken it upon myself to find generic and traditional Christmas gifts that people would actually want.
   Shower and bathing. We receive some kind of gift set every year and it leads me to wonder what they're trying to say. But it's a Christmas staple, so I've found a Christmas shower set that your sister will actually be happy to see. (1) Victoria's Secret shower sets (or, rather, long-term 2 for 1 offers) are a wonderful gift. I've bought them in the past and found them to be surprisingly luxurious toiletries for a company that doesn't specialise in them. Then there are the perfumes for the more glamourous among us, and (9) CREED perfume, established in the 1700s to supply the royal family including dear Queen Victoria, is a wonderful option to make someone feel (and smell) like royalty.
   Then there are the more useful gifts than just personal cleanliness - the stationery, the mugs, the socks. So, of course, I've not left them out. Rather than just any old notebook, this (3) constellation notebook and pencil set features a map of the constellations on the cover an 100 pages of 'lined' paper inside. I say 'lined' because those lines are actually stars. The pencil has the words 'We are all made of star-stuff' engraved along the side in gold. As for a mug, a (11) personalised message mug can make or break a cup of coffee. Finishing it to reveal the words 'I love you, Kim' would be lovely. Whereas a message informing me that I'd been poisoned, not so much. And as far as socks go, Sock Game Strong makes you sock game, well, strong. And their (5) alien acid socks are no exception.

   Then there are the gifts you're more likely to want, but can still be hit and miss. So get the chocolates right with (4) Hotel Chocolat's classic Christmas luxe box, the book right with (6) 50 Years of Wildlife Photographer of the Year, and the necklace for mum particularly personal with a (2) custom handwriting necklace of her name and yours.

    And, of course, then come the desperate gifts, the gifts that weren't really thought about at all and are almost always disappointing, so much so that ugly Christmas jumpers have become fashionable because it's something everyone can relate to. But Christmas jumpers don't have to be ugly, and this wonderful (8) winter stag jumper is a great and subtle alternative to the usual fairisle. And neither does the novelty Christmas jewellery have to be sparkly and flashy (literally). Go handmade with this fabulous (10) Christmas baking charm necklace, or a tiny (12) winter terrarium necklace.
   Give money in style by (7) making your own money balloons, and top off a family gift with one of countless (13) Marks & Spencers Christmas hampers.

   Generic Christmas gift giving just got epic.


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