Tuesday 20 December 2016

Killer Body v2 - Level 2

   Well, that was not what I expected. I've been using level 2 of Jillian Michaels' Killer Arms & Back and Killer Buns & Thighs for the past two weeks, and, as with level 1, I found the upper body workout just as challenging as the lower body, but not as exhausting, making it easier to do some bonus cardio for 20 minutes afterwards (Christmas season and mince pies abound). Lower body was more exhausting for the simple fact that it works bigger muscles, which means more energy expended and so on.
   But what was unexpected was the leap. Jillian Michaels workouts usually scale quite well - the difference between levels are usually quite appropriate, a manageable increase which provides a challenge without being too intimidating. If you're able to do the intermediate or advanced moves from the start of level 1, you probably can on level 2, too.

   This time around, though, the difference between the levels - and this is the case on both DVDs - were a little more than usual. Sort of like an increase of 1.3 levels. It wasn't so much that I couldn't do it, but I did have to do a few of the beginner/intermediate mods the first couple of times on level 2 when I was doing intermediate/advanced on level 1. I've been managing, of course, but two weeks on level 2 does not feel like enough. The idea of moving on to level 3 yesterday felt far too soon, so I've decided to go through level 2 for another week and begin level 3 on Boxing Day or the 27th instead. I'd like to think, then, that it's possible I'll give level 3 three weeks, too - after all, after completing the initial 2 which are mandatory (self-imposed), what's one more? But that will be a decision I make at the end of that second week. Of course, given that it will be my birthday (YAY) at the start of that third week, a guaranteed tough workout will probably be needed. Pizza, cake, ice cream, chocolates and so on...

   But at this point I've been using the two DVDs, alternating for 5 days a week, for 4 weeks, and I have got to say that I'm definitely seeing results. My arms are slimmer and firmer, but my legs are seeing the biggest difference, and it's at its most noticeable when shaving them. They're firm all over, all the way around, even the inner thigh where a few weeks ago there was a little bit of squish. Truly, I can't believe the transformation.
   As such, while it's a difficult workout, I know as a fact that it's time well-spent and using the DVDs for possibly 8 weeks rather than 6 is a damned good idea. Guaranteed results.
   I probably won't update on this again until I've finished level 3 - possibly. After which I was intending on using a new Kettlercise workout, but I've decided that it's probably a good idea to dial it down for a while rather than going from one toughy right into another. So I'm going to hold Kettlercise back until February and have 2-3 weeks (dependent on how many weeks I give level 3) of 'free' exercise. I've got a DVD on my wishlist I'm hoping to be given over Christmas or my birthday, and if I am I'll probably give that a go. It's not suitable for a month's workout due to its structure, but it would be perfect for 2-3 weeks of free workouts.

   So I'll update on this in a few weeks! I'm giving these next two weeks in particular my all. Because I love to eat, and Christmas is my favourite time of the year. Plus it's Seeg's birthday on the 28th and then mine on the 9th, so I can't afford to slip up!


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