Thursday, 8 December 2016

Christmas Etsy Finds - Novelty Christmas Accessories

My love for Christmas is no secret. To anyone in my street. I shout about it, squeal about it and get stupidly excited. I'm 25. I blame my parents, I had, as far as I'm concerned and knowing no better, epic Christmasses, and though I tragically found out the terrible truth at 12, I've never outgrown the love of it. It comes around once a year and apparently 13 times isn't enough for me to learn that, now I'm 'grown up', they will never be as epic again.
That doesn't stop me from trying to make it so; I put the biggest effort in at Christmas for the family, but given my mum's disability and how demanding it is to care for her, I think it's appreciated by everyone else. I can be relied on to take care of Christmas.
And so, along with shouting "IT'S NEARLY CHRISTMAS" as soon as we turn the calendar to November December, I like to break out the Christmas wearables. Festive everything. And as I recently went on the hunt for more, I thought it would be a good idea to share the lovely festive Etsy goodies I came across.

Here's a feature my stuff really fits into - but that wasn't the point of making it. I was actually looking for some festive jewellery for myself - mince pie earrings and so on - and found so many different things that I decided to put it together. But regardless, I choose my tiny snowman necklace <3


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