After three days away, we're back in England. First, let me say thank you to everyone who sent messages of condolence, I've passed them on to the family, and though they haven't a clue who any of you are, they were extremely grateful, as am I.
The cremation was a little heart-wrenching, even for someone who only met Seeg's grandmother once, and despite the fact that the service was mostly in Dutch. I wasn't the only one there who doesn't speak the language, however - Seeg's uncle's husband is French and was just as left out of conversations as I was - so the important parts were translated.
May Ger rest in peace.
In completely contrasting news, I am an aunt, again! My sister had her son, Layton, on November 12th, weighing 7lbs 2.5oz. He's healthy, quiet, sleeps through the night and barely ever cries. And, I got ridiculously lucky and snapped this picture of the two of them just as he smiled. It's probably the first picture of him smiling, so yay! His older brother, Riley (3 years old), is being gentle with him, though a little jealous but that's to be expected.
In other, more mundane news, I'm very glad that I set to Youvember this month - I realise I've not posted much about it, I've been rushed off of my feet - as if I hadn't, then when we went away on Wednesday afternoon and I typically had an increase in sales, I'd have had a ridiculous amount to do upon returning on Saturday morning. Fortunately I sold only popular items while away, and the few pieces that were unexpected were also already in existance and needed no more work than to be threaded onto a chain. So I'm quite pleased, both that I can get all orders posted out Monday morning, and that I was also able to sit down and relax this evening once all the work was done.
And speaking of Youvember, the email submissions for entries has been opened, and I'm absolutely bowled over by the response! I'd not heard much from anyone beyond the odd tweet, but it seems more people were silently taking part than I had realised! The submissions are open until December 6th, and on the 7th the winners will be drawn and contacted. Once they've accepted their prizes and I've got their details I'll send off the bundles with priority shipping. However, as usual, if, after a certain amount of time, I've not received their confirmation, I'll choose new winners. Though, while this period is usually 72 hours, it'll be 7 days, due to the nature of the competition. It's not a small giveaway through Rafflecopter, it's much bigger than that with prizes from a range of amazing suppliers, so the winners will get a far longer chance to accept their prizes.
I hope everyone has been well, and I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't complete NaBloPoMo, but that really can't be helped. I still have a lot of half- or almost-finished posts that I wanted to get up last month, but they'll go up in short time nevertheless.
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