Monday, 24 November 2014

Black Friday and Cyber Monday

  I've been running around like a headless chicken this month, fulfilling orders and staying true to my Youvember project of following a Christmas prep plan for my shop, and as a result, Black Friday and Cyber Monday have snuck up on me this year. I'd usually have changed my tags, titles and descriptions by Monday this week and had a discount code ready to go, but I completely spaced. I've also heard little about it from Etsy, either, which didn't help me remember. But, either way, I never get much success out of Black Friday. It's a lot of work to adjust titles, tags and descriptions to pop up in Black Friday searches on Etsy, and I've never felt any benefit from it, so this year I'm not bothering. There will indeed be a discount running from Thursday 27th to Tuesday 2nd, but that's all I'm doing. Changing my tags and titles knocks me out of the searches I rank highest in, and I don't want to risk it again. So I'm staying as I am for the time being.

   I'll active the code, BLFRCYMO14, for my wonderful readers here a day early, so you can all get 20% off from now until Tuesday on orders of all sizes from Peaches and Pebbles, and there's already a 3 for 2 on all sewing patterns on Grumble Cave Monsters with the code 3FOR2PATTERNS.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, I found you via the NaBloPoMo blogroll.

    November is trying to kill us all, I am 99% sure now. :) And silly me I just keep adding more to my plate.

    As part of NaBloPoMo I try to comment on as many participating blogs as I can, and I also add participating blogs to my feed reader. So I’m just dropping by to let you know I’ve added your blog to my feedreader, I’m reading you loud and clear.

    I have created three bundles on Inoreader so that bloggers can easily visit other participating NaBloPoMo bloggers which you can find here -

    Your blog is in the second bundle.. I have a link up going at my place so my readers can find participating blogs which you are more than welcome to add your blog link to.

    Looking forward to seeing your posts. You may see me drop by again during November, but it might be December before I finish my first drop by to blogs if I don't get faster at leaving comments. :)

    Happy NaBloPoMo to you!


I do read every single comment, and I will try to respond where I can. If you have an important question about my blog or my shop, however, then you might be better off contacting me directly by email. Thanks so much for reading my blog!