Wednesday 12 November 2014

Book Lover Gift Guide

   It seems that, these days, reading is popular again. Which is good news for me, of course. Books can take you to a whole new world and let you forget your troubles, and no genre is better at that than fantasy, as it really does take you to a whole new world, and usually one that puts our individual problems in perspective.
   But what can you buy a book worm for Christmas that isn't a book? Because while some people might like being gifted books, others don't due to specific tastes. I think people would be hard pushed to buy me a book as a gift that I'd like if I hadn't asked for it if simply because there are a lot of different types of fantasy and some of them, especially modern fantasy set in our own world, I can't seem to enjoy.
   I decided to start this year's Christmas gift guides with a gift guide for book lovers, based on broad ideas for gifts and represented by things I've found on Etsy.

   A print reflecting a favourite book or passion is a great thing to hang beside the book case or in a reading nook for those lucky people who have them. You can find prints of book covers - prints of Penguin Classics are particularly easy to find on Etsy. But I thought that this 'Read' print by GardenMansion was wonderful, with its tree hiding all kinds of wonderful, fantastical stuff. It's so easy to get lost in a book, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's a sign of a good book if you can read it and not realise an hour's passed.

   A gift set of a flower necklace and ring made from the pages of a book - currently listed in Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Treasure Island. You can buy them both individually, the necklace here and the ring here, and other books can be used upon request. It's stronger than it looks, too, and has been fully sealed for splash-resistance. It's a great gift for book loving ladies!

   And here's another necklace I had to add if just for its sheer uniqueness! A book case! It measures just 1.5 inches in height and the whole thing is handmade in polymer clay by Coryographies in England. She has a selection of different book cases, including cute pink girly ones, shabby chic white ones, and also more specialised ones like a Sherlock book case necklace with a hat and pipe, and a Harry Potter book case necklace with an owl, scarf and glasses! Absolutely freaking fantastic!!

   Something a little bit different and best done only if you know they have the space for a book shelf. Etsy's got lots of lovely rough wooden shelves with lovely natural, bark-y edges. But I really wanted to share this tree branch book shelf, though only we readers in the UK can have it as the cleverly named BespOakInteriors only ships in the UK. But a book shelf is a somewhat unique gift idea for a reader!

   A book bookmark. I love it! What reader doesn't need a bookmark? And what about a bookmark featuring a little book on it? Handmade by BrotherWorks with leather scraps and recycled paper, the book is fully functional if you can bear to untie the lovely thing. There is a wide variety of colours, too, but if it's not to your taste, Etsy has a huge range of all kinds of bookmarks, from printed to stamped leather, metal to fabric, corner to magnetic. There's a bookmark for everyone.

   A t-shirt with a statement, perhaps an emblem from the book or even a full quote. This scoop-neck t-shirt by Brookish features Mr Darcy's proposal from Pride and Prejudice printed in a lovely handwritten script. Brookish also has similar shirts in other styles and quotes, and lovely printed infinity scarves in the same manner. Even mugs so they can have a custom hand-written scripted message with their cup of tea when they settle down to read!

   These lovely Harry Potter Hogwarts House pillows are a great functional decoration for Harry Potter fans, lovely to cuddle up against while rereading Harry Potter for the millionth time. GEEKandtheCHIC also have superhero cushions and Game of Thrones cushions if Harry Potter isn't your style, making them the perfect gift for readers who like to snuggle down to read rather than sit in a high wing-back chair with a pipe.

Have you got any additional suggestions? Add your own links to products or gift guides to the comments below ^^


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