Friday 30 March 2018

Friday Favourites

Things have gone a little better this week. I'm slowly getting on top of things again and taking things one step at a time. My new workout has been tough but immensely more rewarding already, and I certainly don't dread doing it (yet). But I am only three days in! Even so, focusing on strength and knowing - and feeling - that I'm making progress with every increasingly difficult rep makes me feel so much happier and more sure of my body's abilities.
And the added burn is just as well with Easter around the corner!
These are the things I'm obsessing over this week - the Easter 'egg' I've had my eye on, limited edition for April Fool's Day, it's peanut butter and banana. Victoria's Secret's new line of ombre tanks, yes please, and Cassey Ho's new line and, most of all, the new suede yoga mat in the Dusky Blossom design.
I've been (re)watching a lot of science stuff lately, which I love because I'm slowly grasping more and more of it every time I watch it, and I also find it immensely humbling to think of my insignificant place in the universe and that, ultimately, it really doesn't matter at all what I do with my time, so the only thing that makes sense in the end is to spend it doing what makes me happy! So write, write, write away...


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