Saturday, 23 March 2013

Constance Stotzer at Blackbird Studios

  Head out to Blackbird Studios in Las Vegas on April 4th and 5th and support one of my favourite artists, Constance Stotzer as she makes her debut solo art show, Kismet!! I think she is a wonderful artist, her talent is wonderful and unique. I'd love to go! I'd love to see her wonderful shadowboxes!

Follow her on twitter and tumblr to keep track of her progress! I love watching her work come together! And visit her Etsy shop for originals and prints! I own a few myself!


  1. Words can not express how much this means to me! Thank you! Thank you for all the love! Your encouragement and support has been what kept me going at times! :)

    1. You deserve it, you are honestly an exceptional artist, and I do mean that!


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