Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Fossil Dinosaur Cake in Deposits Issue 33

Well, I received the latest quarterly issue of Deposits in the post today, and guess what was in
the "Recent Finds" section. Can you see it?

   It's an odd and awesome place to be featured. It's no craft magazine - instead, it's the only magazine in the world I've ever been able to read cover-to-cover. So to have my dinosaur fossil birthday cake featured alongside real fossils in such a great magazine is actually very exciting :D It properly stands out, too! I love how they included the name I gave it: Theobrama Cacao Veloxis :D a chocolate raptor, in short.
   This is my first magazine feature, and while it's unusual, I am so proud! Not only did I make myself an awesome and delicious birthday cake, but other people thought it was great as well. I doubt I'll ever really make it into another magazine, as much as I'd love my crafts and products to be featured everywhere - who wouldn't? - and so this means so much more.


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