Saturday, 21 November 2015

Last Purchasing Dates for Peaches and Pebbles

   A less than exciting post for today's NaBloPoMo, but an important one none the less! If you're planning on buying a Christmas gift or two from my Etsy shop, please take note of the last advised ordering dates below for Christmas delivery. They've been decided upon based on estimated work load, processing times and Royal Mail's last advised shipping dates. So, if you're hoping to buy in time for Christmas, purchase by the below dates to avoid disappointment.
   You can purchase after these dates and they may well still arrive in time for Christmas, but is it a risk you want to take?

Peaches and Pebbles Last Order Dates

For purchases to the United States & Rest of World, the last advised purchase date is 1st December.
For purchases to Canada & Europe, the last advised purchase date is December 8th.
For purchases within the UK, the last purchase date is Friday 18th December.

Orders placed after the above dates may still arrive in time, though this is less so for the UK as it's so close to Christmas. And remember, I've added a gift wrapping service to the shop!

NaBloPoMo November 2015


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