Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Gallery Jewellery Now On Etsy

   Over the past two weeks I've been busy photographing my gallery pieces and writing out their listings - which is a difficult job when you have to keep each listing fresh and every sentence slightly different - and I've finally got all of the new necklaces up on Etsy! They're...not what you'd expect from my usual pieces. I usually make foxes, badgers, squirrels. Well, now I have rhinos, yaks, Mandarin ducks, Kermode bears and so on. So they're fairly unique and quite precise pieces, and while that makes them perfect for people with a specific favourite animal or interest in certain places, it also means they're...well, very precise and specific... There are a number I expect to be up in the shop for quite some time, pieces that aren't going to move quickly if indeed move at all because they're so unusual, but I'm happy to have them listed all the same. You never know! One of my necklaces might be a spot-on gift for a very hard-to-buy-for person!
   I only had two of each animal up in the exhibits so there are no more than two available of each. Over a third of the pieces sold in the gallery, too, so there are a number of animals that I've not got any of left to list, and while that makes me happy to know that there were some definite successes, I kind of regret not photographing each piece first, even if it's just to put up on my deviant art page. But at least there's good reason!

   All the pieces are cheaper than they were in the gallery, but they've all been priced individually according to the work that went into them, rather than priced by size. They're all pre-made, obviously, so none of them are alterable, but that does also mean that I can ship them much, much quicker, making them ideal stock for the Christmas period.

NaBloPoMo November 2015


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