Thursday 1 October 2015

Inktober 2015 - Week 1

   I participated in Inktober last year and I really enjoyed it. I only 'ran the 5k' because when October comes along my time is eaten up like you wouldn't believe, but I enjoyed it nevertheless, even if I did only post 3 illustrations.
   For those of you who don't know, Inktober is a month-long event in which you're encouraged to make ink drawings. Digital and pencil artists are encouraged to use pens and ink rather than their usual mediums, and I absolutely love it. I'm a pencil artist, preferrably, but I can't deny how amazing ink is to use. I always draw in pencil first because I take it all far too seriously - if I worked in ink alone then just one mistake would wind the image up in the bin and I'd quickly give up. I realise that ink first would probably encourage me to relax and just work with my mistakes, but I'm not in any mood to do that right now, if I'm honest!
   So I've decided to participate again this year, and again I'm just going for one drawing a week because I have to turn a lot of my attention towards my shop for Christmas prep, so though I'd love to draw every day, that just won't happen. Plus, as I've said, I take it too seriously - it takes about 3 days for me to complete a drawing in ink: 1 day to draw it, 1 day to fix it, 1 day to ink it. And then there's tidying the scan up because my scanner is hopeless.

   But here is my first image of the month. It's very simple, I know, and it was supposed to be a witcher but...well the only ink I have is black, warm grey and silver so yellow eyes weren't going to work. I may yet update it - I've got my eye on some new pens.
   And, no, hands and feet are not my strong suit.

Lines: Faber-Castell PITT super-fine black pen
Body: ZIG Art and Graphic Twin Tip Markers in black & warm grey
Sword: Winsor & Newton silver drawing ink
300gsm paper

Week 2 ♥ Week 3 ♥ Week 4


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