Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Christmas Sock Exchange 2015

2015's Sock Exchange is closed.

   A Christmas sock exchange. I wanted to do this last year - I even bought a pair of socks months in advance - but I was super busy with my shop and I didn't have the time. Now, however, I'm doing it! I've set aside the time and the plans so it can all happen, at last!
   It's sort of like a Christmas gift exchange but simpler and less defined, meaning it's easier to buy for your partner as the contents are simpler - they don't have to be generic, though! Use your imagination and create a mini Christmas stocking worth having.
   You don't have to be a blogger to participate in this Secret Santa exchange, but you're more than welcome to blog about your participation if you'd like!
   For full info on how to apply - it's open worldwide - read below for the form, contact email, rules and suggestions!

   Think 'tiny stocking'. Buy a pair of Christmassy socks - £2 New Look, $2 Target, etc - and fill one with about £10/$15 of Christmas goodies, stuff the other sock in the top to keep it all in, and send it to your assigned recipient with a Christmas card! Dead simple.
   I'm opening it up worldwide, you need only contact me by October 24th with the info requested below, including whether you'd prefer to send within your same country or if you're happy with sending overseas, and then I'll assign everyone! Be aware, though, that if you would prefer to send to someone in your own country and you're the only person from said country, you may have to change your mind - you will, however, be notified.
   Between October 24th and October 31st you will be able to back out if you prefer, and then on November 1st I will give out the assigned individuals. You won't be paired up unless two people wish to ship nationally and they are the only two from the same country, otherwise you'll each be assigned someone different so odd numbers won't matter.
   Pretty it up - get festive! Package it all up safely in a bubble-lined mailer, tick 'gift' on the customs form if you're sending internationally, and send it off!

• To participate you must fill in the below form and email it to me by October 24th.
• You will have the chance to change your mind between October 24th and October 31st.
• As of November 1st, anyone who hasn't dropped out is obligated to participate; this is also the date when you will be emailed your partner's information.
• You must ship your package no later than November 21st to ensure it arrives in time for Christmas.
• Please obtain proof of postage from the post office, if you can. This tends to be free and in the form of a receipt - they usually offer, but if they don't, just ask at the counter.
• You must buy new socks, unworn and adult size. You can choose to just buy patterned day socks or you could choose to buy more expensive rubber-bottomed slipper-socks instead. The choice is yours, but be aware that you may not receive the same generosity. Don't think about what you'll receive, think instead about what you will give. It's for Christmas, after all!
• The cost of the socks' contents can exceed £10/$15, but, again, don't expect to receive anything worth more. £10/$15 is the average.
• You don't need to fill both socks! Fill one sock, roll up the other and use it to 'cork' the filled sock.

Required Information (by October 24th):
Full Name:
Email address:
Full address, including country:
Sending preference: National/Europe/International*
Allergies (food colouring, Coeliac's, sensitive skin, etc):
Blog (if you have one):

*Delete all unappropriate options. If you select 'national' but you are the only person within your country participating, you will be contacted on October 25th. You can either change your mind and switch to an alternative option, or you can choose to back out.

Contents suggestions:
• Stationery
• Jewellery
• Decorations & Christmassy stuff!
• Sweets/chocolates
• Toiletries
• Christmas novelties
• Tiny toys/games

All participants must submit the above details by October 24th. There will then be a 1-week window in which to drop out. As of November 1st, anyone who hasn't dropped out is obligated to participate properly. All packages must be shipped to the recipients by November 21st to ensure delivery in time for Christmas. Anyone who signs up must be willing to participate fully.
All participants must also be willing to pay full shipping fees.
Be sure to mark the package as 'gift' on any customs forms.
   I cannot be held responsible for missing packages or uncooperative partners. If you sign up, please play properly, and play nice. If your package doesn't arrive before Christmas, don't jump to conclusions; with the Christmas rush clogging up the postal system, it's inevitable that it may get slowed down and delayed. Be patient and try not to think about it!


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