Saturday, 24 October 2015

Frightfully Last-Minute - Printable Etsy Halloween

   Halloween isn't far off now and it's time for some last-minute panicking. Shops start clearing their stuff out far too soon for last-minute shoppers in the UK, Halloween stuff is usually gone by...well, now in most cases, so I decided to gather up some printable Halloween bits from Etsy. I've tried to cover a few different bases: decor, masks/props, cake wrappers, invites and accents. What do you think?

   By the way, today is the last day to get yourself signed up for the Christmas sock exchange. It's dead simple, you just buy a pair of Christmas socks, fill one with small, simple Christmas goodies like a little stocking, stuff the other sock in the top like a cork and send the package to your assigned partner. You can participate internationally if you're happy to send overseas, or you can opt to just send within your own country. From tomorrow there's a week-long drop-out opportunity if you change your mind, and then, as of November 1st, all participants are obligated to participate properly.
   You can get the sign-up sheet and full info on the original Christmas sock swap post.


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