Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Halloween Superfood Marzipan Monsters

   I recently worked with InSpiral, a massively healthy and organic superfood shop, to create some marzipan monsters for Halloween using only natural ingredients - it was tough to say the least, from designing the monsters to making the marzipan with the right smoothness and consistency for the colour to blend properly, but I managed!
   The marzipan was made from scratch from almonds, hulled hemp seeds, honey and almond essence, and superfood powders added for colour, most of which can be found with InSpiral.
   So these monsters are in fact entirely natural, GMO-free, full of vitamins and minerals and, in short, are good for you! A completely guilt-free treat and cake topper this Halloween!
   Visit the original post on InSpiral's blog to see the full recipe and how I did it.
   This is one sneaky way to having a healthier Halloween!


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