Thursday 8 October 2015

Inktober 2015 - Week 2

   For my second Inktober drawing I decided to go the fangirl route and draw Lindsey Stirling. I love music, but I'm not really interested in much on the radio - that's not me trying to be hipster, it's just that music appeals to me more than songs. Don't get me wrong, I love a good sing-along, and with my mum's MS the radio is always on because it seems to stimulate her mind more than pretty much anything else, so I am in touch with the current mainstream music scene (what a terribly uncool thing to say). But anyone who knows me knows that it's mostly the music I'm interested in. Whenever I have anything else playing it's usually soundtracks - Naruto has some of the richest music, and the soundtrack of The Witcher is one of the best game soundtracks I've found. If I want something lighter I tend to turn towards World of Warcraft soundtracks, and, in particular, Taverns of Azeroth is one of my favourites.
   So it's difficult for me to name a musician I like. As a result, when I first heard Lindsey Stirling, I fell in love. The first I heard of her was actually her Dragon Age Inquisition video. It was around the game's release so I was really excited about it all, so the video and music really caught my attention. Unfortunately, while the game itself was possibly the best of the three, this music video was the highlight of the release.
   But since then I've bought both of her albums and, if I'm not listening to a soundtrack, I'm listening to her. I absolutely adore her skill and I've always loved violins, but her work is incredible.
   As a result I decided to draw a still from the Dragon Age Inquisition video. It's difficult to draw real people, there's always something to get wrong, but I think this is the closest I was going to get. If I tried to draw her face again I think it would have been worse. Either way, I'm quite pleased with the outcome. I'm far from amazing when it comes to drawing, I put in too much effort and take it all too seriously. I envy people who can just do an amazing drawing without thought or planning. It doesn't work that way for me, and while I'm proud of the outcome of most of the drawings I show, they're the result of a lot of time.
Lines: Faber-Castell PITT super-fine black pen
Body: ZIG Art and Graphic Twin Tip Markers in black & warm grey
Violin & Hair: ZIG Art and Graphin Twin Tip Marker in sand
Corset: Winsor & Newton drawing ink in gold
300gsm paper

Week 1 ♥ Week 3 ♥ Week 4


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