Friday, 10 October 2014

Real Nutrition Co's Clothing Line Launched!

   Real Nutrition Co have just launched their new clothing line! It's small to start but I've no doubt that there will be more designs in due time! I've already nabbed myself the 'Strong is the new Skinny' tank! All tanks and t-shirts are £14.99 with £1.99 shipping, and to top it off, you can get £10 off of orders of £15 or more with the code REAL-9400-TWQRU-YVLK - so buy a shirt, a water bottle or try out RNC in all its goodness with a trial pack! With RNC recently lowering their prices, you'd be daft not to go for it! Their raspberry ice cream whey protein duluxe is amazing, by the way, and their premade shakes and protein bars are so tasty on top of beneficial! Filled with vitamins and minerals, and averaging at 200cals per bar, they make an awesome - and filling - snack!


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