Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Peaches and Pebbles Newsletter

   Peaches and Pebbles has a new newsletter! Well, I say 'new'...there was a sign-up sheet before but I ended up deactivating the Mailchimp account, figuring I'd never do anything with it, and not one newsletter ended up going out anyway. I've decided that I need to try to make use of the newsletter avenue, however, and I've signed up again, and I've also started work on my first newsletter. My real issue comes with the layout and trying to make it my own, but I really struggle with HTML and design, but I've decided that that is a pretty poor reason not to bother, so my newsletters look pretty plain.

   My newsletters will be kept to one a month, unless there's something like a flash sale or an important announcement that needs to be shared. The newsletters will update subscribers on current or up-coming competitions relevant to my shop's products, current or up-coming sales, new products, recent custom pieces and so on. I'm quite excited about it. Plus there's an exclusive discount to anyone who signs up, to be found at the foot of each newsletter.

   You can sign up to the newsletter below:



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