Sunday, 21 July 2013

Box of Sunshine

   I got an awesome parcel in the post a few weeks ago, but I've had to keep shtum about it until the sender put it up on their blog. I'd first seen this sort of thing on Pinterest, and I thought it was awesome and so sweet, but I didn't really know anyone to send one to, and I never considered that I could possibly receive one. But a couple of weeks ago, I got a surprise box in the post.

   Vicky of Vivid Please sent me this gorgeous box of sunshine! I'm particularly fond of yellow at the moment, so it was an even nicer surprise. Yellow tissue paper concealed a smiley-faced yellow rubber popper (those things are so much fun, but so scary. I can't tell you the number of times I've been hit in the face with these things, but that's all part of the fun!), yellow sweeties (which I had to defend from Seeg), yellow stripey washi tape, a yellow gel pen and all kinds of other awesome yellowy goodness. The sweets didn't last long, particularly the Millions (which actually led to a purchase from for a few different packs of them, because I've always loved Millions and hadn't thought of them for a few years), and the little yellow ice lolly tin's chocolates were particularly yummy.   This was a really awesome thing to receive, and I highly recommend taking the time out to make one for a loved one.


  1. Wow, what a fantastic idea! The whole package looks wonderful :)

  2. They are timely and treated the entire procedure very professionally.


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