Monday, 20 May 2013

Bookmark Dump

21 cute animals in boots. What more do you need?

6 Products that are sure to increase sales. This is quite a useful page. It's not talking about specific products, just product types that can draw people's attention. My favourite was the subject of ME! Bath, who created the world's most expensive bath, starting at $50,000. They never sold a single one, but it wasn't designed to sell, it was designed to lure, and they got loads of free press. Their real products, however, were $10 bath bombs.

This is a hummingbird hawk moth, the closest thing to a hummingbird in Europe

Are you running your Facebook contests correctly? Read this helpful post and find out if your Facebook giveaways could get your account deleted.

Enter this giveaway for a pair of sunglasses - and for every 5 entries, another winner will be added!

Sign the petition to encourage game companies to expand their range of female game apparel.

I think my cousin had this in college once.


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