Price: £6
No equipment needed.
This is the first 10 Minute
Solutions dance DVD I bought, and is also the only one I own with more than one
person present in the film. This instructor is the one I deem to be the
strictest. She's not strict, but she seems as though she could be if the
time called for it. She has two other girls dancing with her behind her, but
they don't do much but copy the moves. All they really provide is a good look
at what you can achieve if you dedicate yourself, but I do think that that is
valuable. Several times in 10MS DVDs, the camera will linger on their abs, and
it certainly makes me work harder after seeing it.
This instructor, like all the
others is always smiling, but she seems quite down to earth. I think that's why
I believe she'd be a strict personal trainer. Later in the DVD, she states that
"instructors get tired too" but I think it's marvellous that she says
that. Because of course they do! They might be might more used to it,
but if you made a professional runner run for an hour, they'd still be tired at
the end of it.
Like all 10 Minute Solutions DVDs,
the DVD is split into five 10 minute sections, and gives you the option to
either play all, choose an individual section, or - the option I always choose
- to select up to five workouts and play them in any order you wish. This gives
you the opportunity to line up your favourite workouts, or arrange your own
routine depending on the time you have or level you're at without having to
touch the remote. 10MS also tends to flow in the same sort of way on each DVD:
a slightly easier routine to start with, which, in the run of the entire DVD,
can serve as a warm-up; a harder routine, and then a harder one still; and the
last two are either toners, or slower to cool you down.
Like all other DVDs, you can't
expect to be able to pick up the workout immediately. Chances are, you won't do
a very good job on the first run of the first segment of your first dance DVD.
In fact, you'll do just awful. But these DVDs are not designed to just
be played once. What I usually do is choose the third option to customise my
workout, and just line up four of the same routine when I've not done it
before. This gives me four straight run-throughs, which, when I first started,
was what I needed to learn it properly. Then, the next day, I'd do a much
better job because I was more familiar with it. Now, however, I only need 2
run-throughs before I get to grips with it.
It irritates me to read Amazon
reviews of these DVDs and see people complain that they can't pick the moves
up, but some people just expect too much of either the DVDs or themselves and
give up too quickly. What also has to keep in mind is that each segment is only
10 minutes long, so if they focused too long on how to do the moves rather an
actually doing them, then when you replayed the DVD, looking for a familiar
workout, it wouldn't be very demanding. After a few run-throughs you will
pick it up.
This instructor keeps you going,
the moves are amazing, and the music is pretty good. I'm more interested in
epic soundtracks like Skyrim or The Lord of The Rings, and in rock music, but
the music in this DVD is excellent to dance to, and serves as a relatively
neutral genre. It does the job to get you moving. There is one move that turns
up twice in the DVD in seperate sections, and it took me a good week to
actually get the hang of it. The only advice I can offer is to take it all one
step at a time. If a move is too complex, then do half of it. If you get ahold
of the DVD I'm sure you'll know which move I'm talking about, the "hop,
step, tap". It's very difficult but I focused on the footwork, and got
there eventually. Once I was confident with the footwork (like I said, after a
week), I added in the arms. I have not encountered such a difficult move since.
It may have just been me that found it difficult, though.
Out of my collections of dance
workout DVDs, I actually consider this to be the second hardest I own, the
first being 'Urban Workout', but that one is not part of 10 Minute Solutions,
and is a DVD I'll cover at a later date. It's the disc I put on if I want
something familiar, but something hard at the same time.
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