Thursday, 30 May 2013

10 Minute Solutions Hip Hop Dance Mix Review

Price: £5
No equipment needed.

   This is one of my favourite DVDs, and I consider it to be the easiest DVD in my collection, but one of the most enjoyable. At first, the instructor irritated me to no end. She was far too happy and smiley - but after a week or so, I really warmed up to her, and found her enthusiasm encouraging. However, unlike the other 10 Minute Solutions DVDs, where each section tends to cover just one long routine, this DVD's sections cover two five minute routines instead, which is probably why I deem it easier and more enjoyable. The music changes, as does the routine, and it keeps your attention from wandering.
   I find the music quite good as well, it's much more fun than some of the other DVDs. People have complained on Amazon that it isn't a very hip hop DVD. I'm not really sure what hip hop is, to be honest, but I find the dancing style of this DVD to be amazing fun - but the fact remains that if you buy a DVD like this to learn a dance style then you're doomed from the start. If you want to actually learn a dance style, you should join a class. A single DVD won't do much for you.

   Like other 10 Minute Solutions DVDs, the camera does linger on her abs, and it is encouraging. She's also not dressed provocatively, which is something I was worried about with workout DVDs, but every 10MS DVD is very respectable, with actual dancing trainers rather than celebrities. The setting of the DVD is also nice and comfortable - light and simple, with little but a box of rolled up, colourful yoga mats, a few exercise balls and some lovely twig sprays. No instructor ever uses anything from the background. If they need a yoga mat, they have one at the ready.
   This DVD, like the others, also has the instructor in different outfits for each 10 minute section. This is great, because it makes each segment seem to stand on its own, which makes it easier to build your own routine with them, it doesn't make you feel so guilty if you have to stop earlier than you like due to exhaustion or injury, and it also helps to encourage you to do more, because you won't quit once the segment is over. It also makes the DVD seem less repetative because of the change of colour, and it also helps you remember, based on just the image shown to represent the segment, the full routine involved. I love the change of clothes, too, because it also gives you a great idea of the range of fitness clothes out there. Fitness clothes have some of the best colours and patterns of any clothes, I reckon!

   Not many of this DVD's moves are too complicated. Some of them are quite tiring, but they're easy enough to grasp. I had little trouble with this DVD, but some sequences are noticably harder than the rest. But this instructor has some of the best clothes - I'm particularly fond of her khaki combat trousers from one routine, and the colour of her clothes in the first routine.
   Overall, it's a great DVD, and it's one I choose if I'm quite tired at the end of the week, or I'll change to this DVD if I'm struggling too much with a harder one. The music is great, the dances are really quite cool, and it really does make exercise fun. This was the second 10MS dance DVD I bought, and I just love it.


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