Wednesday, 15 August 2012


   Well, I'll apologise. There's been a lack of any real posts lately from me, nothing deep and nothing too interesting. There's lots of new prizes for the competition, but no entries yet, which is making me a bit miserable since I'm doing all I can to spread the word, and my biggest fear is embarrassment that I'll have gotten other people involved to both co-host and donate prizes, only for no one to enter at all. Still, it's only been 2 weeks, but I have to say, I'm already feeling a little hopeless about it, and not sure what to do now.

   I've been busy otherwise, working on a plan for a new book. I finally came up with another good and more original idea, so while I wait to hear back about my trilogy, I'm putting the second book of the three on hold while I plan something new. I'm planning a single stand-alone book now, so that at least I won't need to worry about any three-book-deal business standing in my way. I'm coming along well with the villain and their plot, and now I'm turning attention to other key characters. I'm kind of excited by it, but at the same time I still have the fact that my trilogy is as yet unfinished hanging over my head which is a little distracting from time to time.

   I finally came up with some new jewellery for Peaches and Pebbles, but because it's entirely white, I've had a hard time photographing and post-processing it. I had the same trouble with my antlers and now with these, but I'll just have to jump into Etsy Success and ask about a bit - unless anyone here has any suggestions? I had a great time watching Star Wars/Bleach movies while making these ^^

   My monster shop is coming along slowly, but it is definitely happening. I've been sewing them in steps to try to cut down on the time it seems to take, but if I keep going at the rate I am, I can probably get them all done in a few weeks as opposed to a few months, which is a nice thought. If my head is in gear I might be able to open a month sooner!

   Also, the new World of Warcraft expansion comes out in a month or so, and I've not plaayed for months. I'm looking forward to going back, it'll be nice to have something more colourful to do while my mum doesn't need my help while I look after her. A lot of people are complaining about the Panda people, they say it's a rip off of Kung-Fu Panda - but Pandarens were in Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne in 2003 while Kung Fu Panda came out 2008. No one ripped anyone off. I'll give the haters that it does seem like a silly idea, but I also think too many people take the game too seriously. They forget it's a game, that it's supposed to be fun, not a second life or something.

   I've also not been feeling well lately, though. I'm having stomach pains, my legs have been giving out on me before I even reach 15 minutes of exercise, I've got lots of headaches, and I feel like I've gained weight, but Seeg says that that is in my imagination. I don't know. I avoid the mirror as much as I can to be completely honest, so I can only really go by tape measures, looking downwards, and poking.

   This feels like a complainy post and I'm in no mood to complain at you lovely people, so I'll cut it off here. Hope everyone is well! Let me know how you are - bloggers love comments, and I do read them all ♥


  1. Oh! You're into World of Warcraft? My boyfriend plays that game. He's showed me a little about it but it's not my thing. Still, it always makes my ears perk up (or in this case eyes perk up? Um... maybe not...) when someone mentions it!

    1. Yep I've played it for about 4 years now. My boyfriend has played since its launch but he's fed up with it now so I'm playing on my lonesome! Nevermind, I'm not a social player, I keep to myself, avoid raids and just collect things. It's a great game, and when I'm stuck downstairs because I have to look after my mum, it gives me something to do while she doesn't need my help ^^

  2. You are an inspiration, young lady! Keep us posted about your literary endeavors, please!

  3. Wow, you have so much going on! It's amazing...Some of the prizes for your giveaway are so awesome!

    1. Almost TOO much! I have almost no time to do my usual daily dose of "nothing" :P

  4. That's awesome news for your store and your monsters!! I am planning to enter your journal competition but am on holiday in Ireland at the moment. I don't want to freak out my potential in-laws by destroying things in front of them! There could be lots of people working away on things behind the scenes. I'll try and post about my progress soon too.


    1. Thank you, it's nice to know someone still intends to enter ^^ you are right, though, it might not take some people long to complete the project, but others might want to take their time. I'm just being my usual silly panicky self ^^ I need to learn patience! Really looking forward to seeing what you do! :D


I do read every single comment, and I will try to respond where I can. If you have an important question about my blog or my shop, however, then you might be better off contacting me directly by email. Thanks so much for reading my blog!