Sunday 25 February 2018

Matcha, White Chocolate, Raspberry & Almond Porridge

   For a moment, it looked like spring was just around the corner, didn't it? Then came the polar vortex. They're forecasting snow.
   I suppose that's not unusual, it is still February, but as the sun was beginning to turn golden again, it's a bit...well it's a bit disappointing. I love spring, see? I used to be a winter girl, and while it's true that I find it the most comfortable time of the year, I find spring the mos invigorating, as many do. No doubt drawing closer to the sun and the improved light has all range of effects on chemical reactions and hormonal responses in our body, but even the light alone is so much prettier! And I always get so much done. I write my best work in the spring, I find it easier to shed woes and move on, and, this year, I have so much to look forward to! We're heading out to the Netherlands to see Seeg's family, I'm working on the final pieces for my upcoming gallery exhibit, I'm releasing my new book, we've got a stay-at-home vacation pencilled in for when our duties as carers are temporarily suspended - oh, and, we're getting married. Yes, much to look forward to this spring.

   So my brain is a bit bouncy at the moment, and when I was perusing Tofu Cute against my better judgement (perusing is never cheap), and I saw this new miniature Japanese matcha, berry & almond Kit Kat, I had to have it because it was so freaking adorable. The porridge it inspired...well, it wasn't planned; like so many great and terrible things, it just kind of happened. Fortunately, this is the former.

   A white chocolate & matcha protein-packed porridge, topped with chopped almonds and fresh & freeze dried raspberries. I toyed with adding some crumbled wafer or just some protein crispies on top - I didn't because I didn't want to compromise the aesthetic, but I think I'll definitely give it a go again. Because this is definitely on my must-make-again list.

30g oats
20g whey protein (or preferred, or replace with oats)
sweetener of choice
1 tsp matcha
100ml skimmed milk (or preferred)
100ml water (cold for overnight oats, boiled for porridge)
10-20g chopped white chocolate
40g raspberries
5g chopped almonds
Optional: freeze dried raspberry pieces

Overnight Oats
1. Combine the oats, whey, sweetener and matcha in a bowl or jar.

2. Mix in the milk - I usually use a shaker bottle to prevent the whey from clumping, but a blender will work too, or perhaps an electric whisk.

3. Add in your chopped white chocolate, stir and set in the fridge overnight, omitting water.

4. Heat in the morning, if desired, with 50ml of water, and top with raspberries and nuts.

1. Combine the oats, whey, sweetener, matcha and chopped chocolate in a pan (or shaker bottle)

2. Pour in the milk, stirring as you go (or shake, then transfer to the pan).

3. Boil the water and pour into the pan, stirring again.

4. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce to a simmer for 15 minutes to thicken.

5. Transfer to a bowl once it's reached your desired consistency, and top with nuts and berries.

• I used Pulsin's premium whey
• I used 10g Green & Black's organic white chocolate
• Doubling the raspberries will yield 1 of your 5 a day

Full recipe with 10g white chocolate, 40g raspberries & sprinkling of freeze dried raspberries:
330 cals, 7g fat, 30g carbs, 4g fibre, 28g protein


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