Friday, 16 February 2018

Friday Favourites

What a slow week. It's been nice, actually. Orders slowed when Valentine's Day came about, which meant I had more time for Seeg and for my writing, and I've also had the chance to restock on some of my staple products like my korok necklace and fox necklace, and make a start on a custom order that I didn't think I'd get around to for another week. I even started putting together my wedding invitations!
So it's been a slow, calm week, and while that also means that money has dropped, I have, at least, been able to breathe.
I had a good Valentine's Day, too. I did the below Happy Heart Vinyasa session, we watched Mulan with Wei Zhao (very good), shared some Love Brownies, and generally had a lovely day. We never do anything grand, but a movie goes without saying, and, honestly, I always find that that simple together time at home is enough. That's not to say I don't make gestures, like preparing a special breakfast, adding a Valentine twist to simple meals to make them into something new while remaining quick, easy and healthy, and, of course, a card, and he did also get me flowers ♥


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