Friday, 2 February 2018

Friday Favourites

This week has been quite fantasy-oriented to be honest. Ever since I started writing the second book of my trilogy (the first will be out later this year), I've felt disconnected from it, and I've realised why: after I proof-read the first book and prepped it for agency submission, I was on top of it. But then I had to race to the end of the story because I was working on the detailed plan for the second (I obviously knew where it was going, this redraft of the plan adds much more detail), so I got it all jumbled in my head when I went back and started writing it. Then I had to stop to keep on top of Christmas sales which meant I didn't have any time to write for two months, then I came back and tried to pick up where I'd left off, even more disconnected.
I finally decided that I had to go back and read book 2 from the start to regain the bearings that weren't quite there to begin with. And it wasn't nearly the chore I'd expected. In going back and re-reading it, I realised that it was much better written than I'd thought, it flows really well, is neither too fast nor slow, and is, frankly, gripping. I really enjoyed reading it through. And I got my bearings, more than I had when I even started, and found that I didn't have to go back and rewrite anything because I'd forgotten anything in the time it took to write it. It left me feeling really confident and really keen to go on.

Outside of that, Seeg and I also cleared Antorus, The Burning Throne raid, completing what turned out to be the best expansion World of Warcraft has ever had, and also, actually, the first expansion I've ever truly completed. And I'm psyched for the release of Zandalari trolls as a playable race.

And on a more generalised note, I've made these blueberry, maca and banana pancakes three times already, and once with apple instead of blueberry, and they are still to die for.
Also, yummy Fabletics February releases and yoga in the Natural History Museum beneath the whale skeleton. I wish I could get out there for it :(

Argus raid completion   ♥   Fabletics' tropicales salar leggings
Maca, banana & blueberry pancakes  ♥   Yoga at the Natural History Museum


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