Wednesday, 20 June 2012


   I've done a poor job with the blog lately! I've had my head all in a buzz about projects, products, sales and love. I've not done much writing lately either! Shame on me, indeed, but Seeg has been off the xbox so in light of the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim (I'm so gonna blast those vampires to shit) coming out soon, I've finally decided to finish the game (on one character, I have another to go and many achievements to gather), so I've been neglecting other things.
   In truth I suppose I've been floating about in my head. I've had a surprising success with sales lately, which means we can pre-order Assassin's Creed 3's Freedom edition next week, I can buy the base materials for the Nightingale bow, and I can buy my Wacom tablet - not from sales alone, of course, but with the aid of them.
   To celebrate how well I'm doing, in fact, you can use the code DrunkenWhaler for 20% off of my shop until the middle of July!

   But I've been spending a lot of time thinking of new products - most of which, as always, are out of my reach - and replacing sold items. I made about 8 envelope necklaces and rings today! I've also been thinking a lot on projects I want to do but don't have the means to follow through with, yet. I have some ideas for prints to make, but I need the tablet to draw them; I have planned out a lot for my bow, but I need the base bow (yes, actual bow string and limbs, with a wooden riser) to even think about starting it, and that will cost about £50; I've been thinking about customising My Little Ponies as well - this one is a lot closer to fruition, because I've bought and now possess a pony in great condition and an appropriate colour, I have bought and now possess doll hair, wire, and acetone, and I also already had air-dry clay. All I need to start this is an iron to straighten the hair (it's kanekalon, I'll probably go for doll hair next time) and then I can get to it.
   But my head has been swimming with ideas lately, so much so that I've been unable to function and do any of the ones I can do.

   It's also been my first month with sponsors, and I'm looking for new sponsors for July - small and medium are all that's available - and they're free as swaps. Just head over to the Sponsor page for info on how to submit yourself.

   I'm sure there was something important to say but I've completely forgotten, and all I can think about at this moment is the bow, and a new necklace design. I'm about to go hunting for parts.


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