Thursday, 14 June 2012

Does Anyone Have My Little Ponies?

   Yes, I am actually asking this. If anyone has any unwanted G3 My Little Ponies, could you let me know? G3 relates to the generation and they generally have a specific style. If it helps, it's the ponies that were out before the skinny and slutty ones you see now (I don't like them, they look like they could be very bitchy). I want to try customising some but I'm having a hard time finding any. Preferrably good body condition - minimal scratches and permanent marks. Hair can be frazzled or "styled" (which, as a child, typically means covered in felt tip pen or chopped short) - it doesn't matter, it's coming out and being replaced.

   Drop me a line if you're interested in getting rid of some of your daughters or your own old toys.


  1. I don't think I have any toys left but lol at "they look like they could be very bitchy."

    1. They do, they look like they would be so mean! Really up themselves, not sweet and gentle like the other generations :P

  2. Most toys look like they could be bitchy these days =-/ good luck! Maybe try Ebay?

    1. I am trying ebay but there doesn't seem to be that many. And actually I agree, a lot of toys these days - like they even still make those? Barbie doesn't seem as innocent as she once was, either.

  3. Just a quick hello (wow - My Little Ponies are a blast from the past)!

    Also, I just gave you a One Lovely Blog award :)

    Check it out here:


  4. They DO look like they'd be bitchy! You're so not wrong.

    I don't think I have any - I have OLD '80s MLP. But I can ask around and see if anyone I know has some! :) I'll let you know. :)


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