Sunday, 28 October 2018

New Wildlife Necklaces!

I've been listing lots of new pieces in Myth of the Wild lately - mostly renewing older pieces from the exhibit, but most of those are up now so I'm about to begin listing brand new pieces! I'm so glad I can increase my variety this Christmas - it's always such a stress trying to balance the shop with my writing and caring for my mum, and my shop usually falls by the wayside (unless I sell something, then the order is given priority, of course), but when Christmas comes around, I have no choice but to let my writing suffer instead. Fortunately the exhibit has done the job for me this year, and new new pieces will be up very soon!

If you follow me on twitter or my shop on Facebook, you'll have seen most of the new pieces as they went up ever day, but if not, here's a round-up of the best! To see all of them, check out my Etsy shop, sorted by 'most recent'. All my necklaces are now available as standing desk ornaments, and so can be purchased without chains or hooks - you need only select your preferred from the drop-down menu before adding to card! It seems like an obvious step, but one I hadn't thought to make until now despite the number of people requesting it of particular pieces. This means that they make wonderful wildlife gifts now for everyone.

And remember: I'm still happy to accept custom orders until November 24th - if this date changes, it will be announced in the 'announcements' box at the top of my shop as well as on twitter and Facebook.


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