Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Inktober 2018 - Petra

   I'm starting Inktober 2018 off with Petra. In my last post I talked about using characters from my book, The Zi'veyn, rather than a prompt list, and I decided to start with Petra. Mostly because I wanted to do her hair. It's not quite the right colour, but it will do. I'd love to have coloured her a little more beyond that, but lately I've developed a habit of going too far, so I decided to keep it simpler than past pieces rather than rush into experimentation with thinning the inks. It got to a point that I was so happy with the line drawing that I didn't want to risk ruining it, which is a shame since it looks so empty, so I may go back and revisit it now that I at least have a picture of this version. I'll update if I do (and it doesn't look a mess).
   In the mean time, though, meet duelist, Petra Dalton!
Faber Castell PITT superfine
Winsor & Newton drawing ink, silver & brick red


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