Friday 19 October 2018

Friday Favourites

This week has been a busy one. There's chaos in my book right now, as the second of the trilogy is almost finished and there are a few rather serious notes to end on, and I've been working on my shop consistently, too. It's also been wonderfully cold! So it's been great to be so focused. That's one of the many things I love about winter and autumn - it's cool, even cold, so there's no excuse not to get things done! When it's hot, I tend to melt, but when it's cold, I'm a busy, busy bee!
I've been working on porridges, too - I'm so pleased, I had lots of ideas and I've managed to do them all bar one, simply because I haven't worked out what I want to do with the rest of the key ingredients once I open them. But I have two new Christmas porridges and a couple more autumn recipes that are all ready to post! I'm always so happy when porridge goes well - I'm a jinx in the kitchen, you see.

Red Dead Redemption 2 comes out one week today, and Seeg and I have been psyched for months. So much so that our Saturday night movies have taken a spaghetti western turn. First we watched Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, which was much funnier than expected and has aged very, very well, and then we moved on to the Man With No Name trilogy - Clint Eastwood in A Fistful of Dollars, For A Few Dollars More and, of course, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. They're all vaguely related, but there's not really any continued story. If anything, I got the sense that the final film was a prequel, purely for the whole poncho/cigar thing at the end. I have to say, though, we had low expectations and we were pleasantly surprised. The MWNN trilogy got better (and longer, oy) with each film, and we're both really glad we've seen them. Tomorrow night is True Grit, but next Saturday I have the sneaking suspicion that we will be scrapping movie night in favour of some serial gaming...
Also, how amazing is Nordic Ware?! I just discovered them, so I feel some serious baking needs coming on soon. It's expensive, but the designs are so incredible that I may have to splurge. On just one or two, of course - I never bake anymore - but I need some.
 And I loved the cocoa beans so much I had to include them in a porridge bowl, which was perfect for Chocolate Week!

Man With No Name Trilogy   ♥   Mustard Yellow jumper


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