Sunday, 3 December 2017

FitFlow Max - 4 Weeks Later

   FitFlow Max has actually been really good. Perhaps one of my more memorable workouts. I've thoroughly enjoyed it, it's been a challenge and gotten my heartrate up without once being something I've dreaded. It's also been very refreshing to have a yoga sequence challenge me - as I said two weeks ago, I tend to use yoga as an active recovery rather than something to get better at, so having to really brace my core and find more strength in my body for movement and balance through less familiar poses has been really very enjoyable.

   And it really has been a challenge. I consider myself to be a lower-end-intermediate yoga...practitioner, and so I felt that this intermediate yoga program would be relatively doable with a little bit of trouble. Most of the poses were actually familiar, with warriors, half-moons and standard vinyasas, but the depth of holding the poses, the transitions and the variations were where I struggled. I can do a side plank, but an elevated side plank with an extended top arm and elevated top leg that lifts and lowers is tough, then sweeping fluidly into a forearm side plank on the other side to repeat the motion is even tougher. But the satisfaction that comes with the success of that balance in motion (in the third week) is immense. Especially when the circuit is repeated 3 times on each side, giving me five more chances to prove that the first wasn't a fluke.

   I also enjoyed doing yoga in the dark at 6:30 am, which isn't something I ever did before, but as I wanted to use the two 'easier' videos but didn't want to lose out on my two long rest day mornings in the week, I made the compromise of yoga first thing when I get up to look after mum, and then continuing as a normal rest day. And I rather enjoyed facing the window and watching the sun rise as I moved. It sounds cheesy, but it was really very pleasant.

   I've felt my strength increase with most workouts I use, but this is the first occasion in a long time that I've felt as though I've actually grown. My confidence in motion, my balance, and my strength have all improved, and I suddenly feel like I can and should take on more challenging yoga practise.
   The two instructors were also fabulous, and they have more FitFlow routines, so I find it quite likely that I'll be giving them another go - and FitFlow Max will become a frequent use. I'm already looking at some of their other collaborations, and I'm also looking at Briohny's own Vinyasa FitFlow.

   But, after this chill-out workout and easy-going month, tomorrow I begin my Christmas burn. High-impact, compound resistance followed by cardio of one kind or another 3 days a week. It's going to last 6 weeks, too, so that it covers Christmas and my birthday, but having followed this method for two Christmasses past and gained no weight during despite indulging in festivities, it's worth it...

   My full and comprehensive FitFlow Max review will be up a week today ♥


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