Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Tiny Cupcake Gift Box

   I had the idea to put this little box together for a little while, but I didn't really have the means to do it. I've seen plenty of cupcake gift sets - lots of cake cases, sprinkles and so on all in a little box - and I've always loved the look of them. I love sprinkles and I love cake wrappers, I love the colours and the patterns, and boxes of mixed up sprinkles and mixed up cake cases are gorgeous.
   I've been working on a few different projects for Valentine's Day, and while working on them I've accumulated the different parts I needed to put this box together.

   The box has about 50 petit four cases - I love petit fours, I bought myself a petit four cake tin, I was so excited about it - two icing nozzles, four small jars of sprinkles that I coloured myself, two smaller jars of mini Smarties, three heart cookie/fondant cutters in varying sizes and four small paper straws, all in a little 12x8cm box. I had also wanted to add a small wooden mixing spoon but I couldn't find one quickly enough.
   This little gift box would be great as a gift for Valentine's Day, but I think it would make a better Mother's Day gift. Is that wrong of me to think so?



  1. this is such a great and cute idea! definitely think i might do this for my mums mothers day!!
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

    1. It's really cute, really cheap, and really easy to put together and put your personality into! A decorated box would have been better than a plain one I think but I'm happy with the outcome ^^ if you do put one together, I'd love to see it!


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