Sunday 22 September 2013

Moodboard: Autumn Preparation

   September is the beginning of a busy time of year for a lot of people. School's just started back up, Christmas is, financially, just around the corner, and, depending on your location and culture, there are several big holidays on the run up that require planning and money, too. And after all that, you start the new year with a clean slate, putting 2013 behind you and working towards new goals.
   Planning is a big part of that. You need to make arrangements, perhaps for parties, balancing getting your kids to school and yourself to work, or just mapping out necessary spending so you can figure out just how to afford Christmas.
   I love year planners, diaries and calendars. There was once a time where I had three calendars hung up in one single room alone, and I had 2 diaries - one for working, one for note making. So it's hardly surprising that I still consider a year/weekly planner a necessity, and I'm always rather pathetically excited about picking them out. And I think I've already found one for 2014.

   PaperStone has a great range of diaries, year planners, avery labels, comfy office furniture, envelopes and so forth, but I'm sure I'll end up accumulating more diaries than just this one. I've actually never seen such range in one website before, and it's all broken down into great sections and subsections so it's easy to find exactly what you're after. I'm quite fond of the charity filofax organiser for Breast Cancer Awareness - there's a cause I'm sure we can all get on board with.

   Now for the moodboard! I've put together a collection of things that would be both helpful and stylish for planning out this end of 2013's parties and events, and things that would be great to have on hand ready for when 2014 finally starts. Hopefully it'll be a good year, though the number itself is a hideous orange.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8


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