Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Valentine's Monster - At Last!

   My initial plan for this monster didn't work out, despite suggestions from friends. I was ready to give up to be honest, but Seeg saved the day with a simple suggestion: a heart.
   And so now I give to you the new Valentine's Day monster. Only 6 exist, and, unfortuantely, the international deadline (that means everyone outside of the UK) is fast approaching. And they also won't be available after the 28th of February.

   If you live overseas, please purchase before the 24th of January to ensure that you receive your monster in time for Valentine's Day. Orders placed after this date may not arrive on time.
   If you live in the UK then purchase by the 6th of February to ensure you receive it in time.


  1. Replies
    1. I am so proud of them! I just hope they sell, I could do with the cash!

  2. He is SO SO CUTE. Darn is I wish I wasn't saving up for a vacation right now. I'm on a spending freeze and now I am SO regretting that.

    1. Well, they're here until the end of Feb so hopefully for both of us you'll suddenly become rich! And I often feel the same way - my boyfriend's gaming laptop has been playing up, so we need to start putting money aside now for a computer instead since laptops are just useless, Alienware or not, so that we can buy one before or as the laptop finally dies. Which means no more junk-buying! D:

  3. OMG this is bloody adorable!!!

    Ali of:


    1. Thanks so much! I appreciate the enthusiasm! ♥

  4. Oh my goodness I looooove this little monster. To be honest, I dislike all things valentine's and holidays for that matter but this little monster will be my one exception. Really great job!


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