Monday, 30 July 2012

'Destroy This Journal' Competition

 Don't forget, you can still get 40% off of Peaches and Pebbles with the code
PNPBDAY1 until August 1st!

   It's July the 30th. The Destroy This Journal competition begins in two days, and lasts for the entirety of August and September. There are prizes aplenty, but I would not turn down offers for more!
   There are participational prizes, so even if you don't win, you still get some veeery nice discounts from some Etsy stores!

   It's such an easy competition, what you really need to do is switch your brain off. Don't think, just do. The point of the competition is to show how amazing and versatile books are when compared to iPads and laptops and other such things. I've began to "destroy" a journal already and it's great fun! No two journals will look alike by the end of it.

   Any book can be used - journal, address book, notebook and so on. I used an address book, but instead of filling in addresses, I wrote something relevant to me for each letter. You can pick books up in thrift stores and $1/£1 shops, or you could make your own from scratch, to add that extra touch of personality!

   Entries are to be sent in the form of pictures by email - so there's no need to post anything for real. I'll accept a minimum of 5 pictures, one of which must be of the finished book, while the rest can be of individual pages and processes of others.

   For full details of the competition, including the range of prizes being offered, see the competition page.
   I'll still happily accept other prizes - which makes you eligible to cast a vote for the winner at the end - and they can be submitted to me via email. I don't bite!

   I hope lots of you will enter ^^ like I've said, there are participational prizes as well as great prizes for the winner, and it's a lot of fun to participate anyway ^^

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  1. I remember you posting this idea on BBN but I didn't really get it entirely. Now I do and I think I might well give it a go!!


    1. Oh I hope so! I really am hoping to see a good turn out for this contest, and it really is a lot of fun to do! You really do have to just switch your brain off and do whatever you want with the journal! I hollowed the top left hand corner of mine out and put a pocket watch there that shows the time through the front cover :D

  2. There's actually a book you can buy with this concept. I forget what it's called but each day it tells you to do something different. Interesting concept for sure!


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