Thursday, 1 December 2011

Interview: Kimberly of Fildee

 Meet another Kim. Ms Hanson runs Fildee on Etsy, a wonderful little
jewellery shop that specialises mostly in minimal jewellery, with the odd clustered piece.
Her work is to die for, and truly a successful seller since she opened her shop in September!
Christmas is just around the corner, so have a little look-see and see if you can
bring your Christmas shopping to completion with her ♥

1. When and did you first start jewellery making, and why did you decide to start selling it?
I first started making jewelry around the age of ten. My mom was an avid jewelry maker and I was very soon drawn to it myself. However, I only started making headbands the past few months.

2. You don't have to have made a hundred sales to be successful. Do you consider yourself successful?
I consider myself blessed. When I started my shop, it wasn't just to be successful but more to gain experience. I wanted to learn how to market my products and work with customers. It's been a great experience so far; and God has really blessed my little shop more then I could have imagined.

3. Where do you do most of your crafting? Do you prefer a quiet, peaceful and tidy space, or do you usually play music when working and find that there are always scraps of this and scraps of that lying around when you start? Are you an organized worker?
Well, I keep most of my supplies in my bedroom, which usually looks like a hurricane ripped through. My schoolbooks and craft supplies always get jumbled together at my school desk, but I can somehow work through all the messiness. I am not a neat worker; I truly wish I were, but I am not. A half-made project is always scattered on the floor and scraps of fabric litter my house. Oh, and I need silence to work productively. If I try to watch a movie or listen to music while working, nothing usually gets done.

4. Have you always had a passion for crafting? Where did it start?
I would say my passion for crafting really exploded around the age of fourteen. I had been making jewelry and doing little things, but when I finally started cross stitching, making cards, learned to knit, paint, etc. I really began to fall in love with anything crafty.

5. You said that your mother started to make jewelry when you were a child - has she had a big part in your shop or your products?
A few of the pieces in the shop are made by my mom, but the majority are made by me. I really feel I owe tons of credit to my mom for everything she has taught me about jewelry, though.

6. Do you find it difficult to come up with new things?
At times, I do find myself blindly staring at supplies and wondering what to make; but I usually am constantly soaking up inspiration through other beautiful etsy shops, so there are usually ideas constantly bouncing around in my head.

7. What is your favourite item and why? How long did it take you to make it?
That is a hard question. Well, one of the favorite things in my shop is a necklace called Polar; it's a wire wrapped crystal suspended on a gold chain. I had been wanting to learn how to do wire wrapping and this piece is the only item currently in the shop with that design. I believe It took me about an hour to make it.

8. Tell us something interesting about yourself.
I used to dance on a Christian hip hop team at the age of twelve. I had always wanted to dance hip hop with a team, but never thought the opportunity would come in the way it did. Although it didn't last long, I will always remember the few performances we did. It really helped me to grow as a person.

9. If you could have one special ability, what would it be? Would it be a superpower? Would it simply be a skill that has eluded you since you first discovered that someone else could do it?
Wow, it is difficult to choose. I suppose I will choose a normal, everyday power people have. I wish I could play the guitar really, really well. I have been playing for about five years, but I am not as musically talented as I wish I were.

10. How was Thanksgiving? Looking forward to running around like a headless chicken for Christmas?
My Thanksgiving was absolutely wonderful. Our family spent the day with some friends and sat round a cozy fire in the evening. I couldn't have asked for a better day. Oh, I am certainly excited for Christmas! "It's the most wonderful time of the year" and I love how cheerful people become.

Have a look in her shop and see what you can find. You can also follow her twitter,
and her blog and get a real insight into the woman behind the merchant ♥


  1. Great interview! Love all of her work. It's all so simple and beautiful. It's so great for you to feature her!



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