Sunday 2 October 2011

Under Reconstruction

You may have noticed the delightful summer lemonade background and colourscheme I'm working up here, but you'll also have noticed that the header has yet to be updated. I feel I should mention that it's currently under re-construction in case anyone wobbles over here and is repelled by the shabby work so far. Be patient!

I also can't seem to fathom anything for my background except stripes. I'm thinking spots but it might be just too much. Headers are a whole different story though :( I need new brushes :P I just got lots of new fonts from this gorgeous website so I'm gradually getting somewhere ^^

Also, yesterday was the hottest 1st of October on record. My sister also told me that it's apparently going to snow at the end of the month. If that's true, we might be in a bit of trouble ;P Anyone else suffering from the heat? I can't stand it! I had to go out to the local shop today (a mere 3 minute walk) and almost collapsed from heat when I reached there. I had to go though. My dad needs his 50th birthday cake :D


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