Monday 3 October 2011

New Layout

I think I'm happy with it now :P I'm going to add pages for Interviews and Guest Bloggers when they start to come into action for easy navigation if you want to read a particular one again.

What do you all think? I realised that the blogs that I thought were the most beautiful were the most minimal when it came to colour, but I was hesitant to do it since my personal blog on tumblr (which is more just a place I picture browse) was also quite white. But I'm trying this out anyway ^^ who knows, I might revert back in 3 days' time xD


  1. no, i think this is fabulous. i adore blogs that are minimal but have pretty little quirks to them. the banner is great as well!

  2. How did you make the button with the html box below? I want one! Thanks!

  3. I love the new font and layout! Refreshing and easy on the eyes. I seemed to have lost this comment and having to repost it. Sorry. Beautiful job!


I do read every single comment, and I will try to respond where I can. If you have an important question about my blog or my shop, however, then you might be better off contacting me directly by email. Thanks so much for reading my blog!